Who's using Debian?

Included here are descriptions of some organizations which have deployed Debian, and have chosen to submit a short description of how they use Debian, and why they chose it. The entries are listed alphabetically. If you would like to be included in this list, please follow these instructions.

Educational Institutions


Non-profit Organizations

Government Organizations


In order to be added to this list, please include the following information in an email to [email protected] (please keep the subject line, Who's using Debian, or we may not notice your submission). The submissions should be sent in English. If you do not speak English, please send your submission to the appropriate translation list. Notice that your submission mail will be posted to a public mailing list.

Only submit information about organizations you represent. You may have to ask for permission inside your organization before making a submission here. If you're a consultant who make at least part of your income from doing paid support for Debian, please instead go to our Consultants page.

Please don't submit information about private individuals. We value your support, but don't have enough people to maintain information about our many individual users.

Only include information you're comfortable becoming public knowledge.

  1. Name of organization (in the form of division, organization, city/town (optional), region/province (optional), country). An example is: AI Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

    Not all entries are in this form yet, but we'd like to convert the ones which aren't.

  2. Organization type (pick only one of educational, non-profit, commercial, or government)
  3. Home page link (optional)
  4. A short paragraph or two describing how your organization uses Debian. Try to include details such as the number of workstations/servers, the software they run (no need to specify version), and why you chose Debian over the competition.

If you represent an organization considering to become a Debian Partner, please see our Partners Program for more information about how to provide ongoing assistance to Debian. For donations to Debian, please see our Donations page.